The Research Institute of Leisure and Event of Henan University was founded in 2012. It is an academic consulting institution in the field of leisure, event and urban tourism. As a center for comprehensive research and development of social and natural sciences, its purpose is to face the needs of national tourism and leisure development strategy, to face the world tourism, and advance the frontiers of leisure science. The research institute has 10 full-time and part-time researchers, which includes 8 doctors and 7 professors or associate professors. The research institute relies on the Provincial Key Disciple in Henan University--Tourism Management discipline, and established relations of cooperation with several of event enterprises, leisure & sports enterprises, local governments.
Since 2013, Research Institute of Leisure & Events conducted a series academic activities named “Boya Forum”, such as “Event Economic & Management Forum”, “Leisure Research in the Urban City”, “Research Paradigm of Tourism Academic”,“Theory & Practice in Leisure & Event Study”. Especially the summer school for graduate students was under the purveyor of Henan university Research Institute of Leisure & Events in 2016. More than 10 social service projects was conducted by researchers since 2012, such as investigate and survey in tourism industry, survey of tourists satisfaction, tourists sampling survey , tourism plan, investigate and survey in urban residents life, and so on.